Bussines environment institutions
The mission of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) is to increase the inflow of foreign direct investment into Poland and to enhance the range and rate of internationalisation of Polish enterprises. It operates both in Poland and abroad via its Foreign Trade Offices (FTOs). It offers quick access to comprehensive information on the economic and legal environment of business projects. It assists in tackling administrative procedures related to specific projects, developing legal solutions and finding the appropriate location and credible partners and suppliers. It also provides access to financial instruments, including insurance offered by the institutions associated in the Polish Development Fund Group.
The Polish Development Fund (PFR) is a group of financial and advisory institutions assisting entrepreneurs, local authorities and private persons and investing in the sustainable social and economic development of the country.
The Legnica Special Economic Zone (LSEZ) lies in South-western Poland, in the Lower Silesia Voivodship. The sectoral structure of the LSEZ has for many years been dominated by the automotive and metal industries. In addition to the basic assistance offered to the companies operating in the LSEZ, the Management Board of the Zone organises meetings, workshops, training courses and the HR Forum and assigns an advisor to each company – a person who always provides assistance and advise, is closest to the enterprise, supports and helps it.
The Lower Silesian Agency for Economic Cooperation (DAWG) is a company which is 100% owned by the Self-Government of Lower Silesia Voivodship and acts for and on behalf of the Self-Government. Its goal is to support entrepreneurship and stimulate innovation in the region, improve the competitiveness of enterprises from the SME sector, support their development and shape the image of the Voivodship abroad. DAWG is a certified regional partner of the Polish Trade and Investment Agency (PAiH) in Warsaw, which requires the Company to provide the highest quality services in direct contacts with foreign entities and to have the most up-to-date information on the socio-economic situation and development trends in the region.
The mission of the Regional Development Agency ARLEG S.A. (ARR Arleg) is to strengthen the competitiveness of the region by taking active efforts to support:
- the economic development of the Legnica subregion
- the development of small and medium-sized enterprises
- the development of territorial self-governments
- active measures to enhance employment
- dissemination of the European Union standards; in particular, in all the activities designed to ensure sustainable regional development. The strategic goal of the Company is to create an expansive entity providing business advice, with a well-established position among self-governments and economic operators, with developed foreign contacts, capable of actively participating in the transformation of the Legnica subregion into a dynamic, highly competitive area, having qualified human resources with a diversified income structure.
The Lower Silesian Development Fund (DFR) is a specialised regional financial institution whose goal is to build a sustainable long-term system for financing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Silesia. In practice, the task of the Company is to organise programmes of support for Lower Silesian companies, based on returnable financial instruments, i.e. loans, guarantees, sureties, quasi-capital and capital instruments, as well as sureties for credits, leasing, factoring and tender deposit-based transactions.
- Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa w Legnicy (Council Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Legnica), Rynek 32
- Cech Rzemiosł Różnych, Legnica (Sundry Crafts Guild, Legnica), Rynek 9
- Rada Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo - Technicznych Naczelnej Organizacji Technicznej Zagłębia Miedziowego (Council of the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations of the Main Technical Organisation of the Copper Basin, Legnica), 87 Złotoryjska Street.
- Legnicki Klub Biznesu Legnica (Legnica Business Club, Legnica), 25 Emilii Plater Street
- Legnicki Park Technologiczny LETIA S.A. (Legnica Technology Park LETIA S.A.), 24 Rycerska Street
- Instytut Metali Nieżelaznych w Gliwicach Oddział w Legnicy (Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in Gliwice. Branch in Legnica), 89 Złotoryjska Street
- Klub Biznesu Miedzi Legnica (Legnica Copper Business Club)
Additional information:
A number of business environment institutions operate in Legnica. They include:
- Banks
- Law firms
- Financial and insurance companies
- Consultancies
- Training institutions
- Employment agencies, HR companies